
Sam Stranks (Fellow) is one of the recipients of the 2024 Blavatnik Awards for Young Scientists in the UK

Sam Stranks

The grants, totalling £480,000, recognize research that is transforming medicine, technology, and our understanding of the world across three categories: Chemical Sciences, Physical Sciences & Engineering, and Life Sciences.

Solar photovoltaics will play a major role in global energy decarbonisation, but the traditional silicon-based solar cell technology has reached an efficiency plateau. Next-generation solar cells based on perovskite materials hold extraordinary potential to improve solar panel efficiency. These materials also have the advantage of being affordable, lightweight and flexible. Despite the rapid increase in efficiency of perovskite solar cells, a number of technical challenges remain before they can be deployed commercially. Professor Stranks is uncovering the optical and electronic properties of novel semiconductors, including perovskites, understanding how they act in different situations, where they lose efficiency, and how they wear out over time. This information is crucial for informing the design of low-cost, long lasting technologies to drive the energy transition.

On receiving the award Professor Stranks said:
“My research aims to make a real difference on global challenges such as climate change by developing next-generation solar cell, lighting and detector technologies. What an honour it is to be recognised as a Blavatnik Awards honouree for this work!â€